Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cancer and Chemicals

I feel finally vindicated! After years and years of preaching to my friends and family about trying to avoid the thousands of untested chemicals released into the environment via fragrance, detergent, additives, preservatives, coloring, flavorings, etc., Nicholas Kristof has finally written about it in the New York Times! He tells people to only use glass and ceramics in microwaves, too. (My in-laws used to think I was crazy!)

"Air fresheners" are like chemical bombs you release in your house. It's one of those hyper "cleanness" modern psyche that industries are mining for easy money, just as they are with "wipes" and "sanitizers." I worry more about the chemicals and sensitization in those things than germs. Remember, you can kill most germs pretty easily, but you cannot get rid of great many chemicals. They stay in your body and in the environment for a long, long time!

So, stop wasting your money on air fresheners and vitamin drinks, and smell some fresh flowers and drink or eat some real fruit!